Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Game Nutz Podcast: Episode 18

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Click the link above to download the latest episode of the Game Nutz Podcast, or subscribe by clicking HERE!

Round 3 of "Which Sucks Less" this week: DS Lite vs. DSi. I had a long list of interesting topics for this week's episode… which is still sitting on my computer desk where I left it that morning, so I pretty much joined in whatever topics came up.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Game Nutz Podcast: Episode 17

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Click the link above to download the latest episode of the Game Nutz Podcast, or subscribe by clicking HERE!

First, round 2 of "Which Sucks Less." This week: PS3 "fat" vs. PS3 Slim. We then move on to mostly conversation since it was a slow news week. Sorry I'm so late in posting this, but life has been interfering with my blogging time again. I'll be posting some new editorial blogs soon, but for now, enjoy The guys from Game Nutz (plus me)!

(Stay tuned for the easter egg at the end of the podcast. Unfortunately an encoding error cut off part of it, but there's enough there to get the gist.)

Please, leave us a review in the iTunes Podcast Directory!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Game Nutz Podcast: Episode 16

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Click the link above to download the latest episode of the Game Nutz Podcast, or subscribe by clicking HERE!

We start out with round 1 of "Which Sucks Less." This week: Xbox 360 Elite vs. Xbox 360 Arcade. (I still stand by that if you buy a used HDD and headset, the Arcade's the better deal, $50 rebate notwithstanding. We discuss the Wii System Update 4.2 issue, then more or less ramble on for the remaining 20 minutes about whatever topics happen to come up. All in all, a bad week for news, but a great week for conversation!

Please, leave us a review in the iTunes Podcast Directory!